V44 Coil Mesh An expanded metal mesh available in various widths, stainless or galvanised steel. Designed to be incorporated into masonry for crack control. VIEW PRODUCT…
VW3 Vista Weld 3 Vista Weld 3 is a welded ladder type Bed Joint Reinforcement with 3mm outer wires, generally used as a structural product, also ideal for VIEW PRODUCT…
VW Vista Weld Vista Weld is a welded ladder type Bed Joint Reinforcement with 3.6mm outer wires, generally used as a structural product, also ideal for crack VIEW PRODUCT…
VW5 Vista Weld 5 Vista Weld 5 is a welded ladder type Bed Joint Reinforcement with 5mm flattened outer wires, generally used as a structural product, also ideal VIEW PRODUCT…
VTS Vista Tie Span Vista Tie Span Type 1 has been designed for use in double-leaf collar joint walls, and can reduce the problems on site with heavy VIEW PRODUCT…
DVW Double Vista Weld Double Vista Weld is a welded structural ladder type masonry reinforcement used to reinforce both leaves of a cavity wall. Manufactured with 3.5mm main VIEW PRODUCT…